Monday, 29 April 2013

Just Random...☺

Hey there‼ I'm just ☺smiling☺ here, because I have absolutely ⓃⓄ idea what's going on right now.★_☆

☞ Cinnamon ☜

Saturday, 27 April 2013

The Queue - The Cutter, The Cutter-Letter-Inner or The Cuttee?

Have you ever looked and studied the average supermarket queue? There are the cutters, the cutter-letter-inners and the cuttees. The question is, which one is doing the right thing.

The Cutter
These are the people that sneakily push in front of the unobservant others in the line. People say that the Cutter is doing the wrong thing, but if you're dumb and unobservant enough to let them push in front of you then you deserved to be a cuttee. The Cutter is just trying to make the most of their busy day, trying to finish their shopping quicker and go home to relax. They may be trying to get home to feed hungry children or may have a terrible migraine or maybe someone in their family is sick and they're trying to get home to look after them. Whatever the reason, the Cutter doesn't cut because they can. There'll always be a reason.

The Cutter-Letter-Inner
These are the graciously generous and kind people who buy way to much and then let everyone else with less to buy in front of them. They are often in no hurry to get home and will take one of everything in the shop. Look for the person with the full trolly if you're in a hurry. They will have better karma than even the Cuttee. Winning money from scratch tickets or getting the best seat in the whole theatre.

The Cuttee
These are the unsuspecting but unobservant people who continually get stuck at the back of the line because the Cutters push in front. They are the victims in the vicious 'Battle of the Queue'. They are the polite shy ones, who may have to get home quickly but never push or shove to get to the check out. They often have good karma as opposed to the Cutter. Little things like extra butter on their popcorn at the movies and discounts at the supermarket.  

That's the average supermarket queue. The three types of people in the line. My defence is for the cutter, who is just trying to hurry home. Who do you think is doing the right thing?

Monday, 22 April 2013

Sunflower VS Rose


There has been a debate of late in the industry whether roses or sunflowers are of higher quality. Those siding with sunflowers say they are brighter and more cheerful than roses.
"If you take away the sunflowers you take away the sun and all its life," comments a local siding with the sunflowers.
Those who have sided with roses put up a convincing argument that roses are responsible for the worlds romantic atmosphere.
Another local says, "without roses, there would be no love and without love there would be war."
At the present moment the leader in the debate are the roses. Please join the dispute and fight for your flower!